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Ronald Wilmar Rodríguez Bayona



Lawyer with extensive experience focused on labor law, individual and collective, as well as in the area of litigation and immigration rights within the business environment.

High innovation skills in the development of proposals oriented to satisfy the company's expectations, allowing to reduce costs and business expenses, as well as to mitigate and even eliminate the risks derived from the legal-labor aspect.

Ability to set parameters to adapt business needs to a legal environment, indicating how the company must comply with labor law, without sacrificing initiatives or proposals that it intends to implement, finding the best legal-labor alternative to the proposed business activity.



  • Advisor to different companies in the areas of individual and collective labor law, social security and immigration law.
  • Elaboration and accompaniment of compensated retirement plans.
  • Advisor in collective conflicts, especially processes of lifting of union privileges and special process of declaration of illegality of the suspension or collective work stoppage.
  • Processing of expatriate work visas.
  • Advisor in all areas of integral social security.
  • Attention to litigation in individual, collective and social security matters.
  • Processing and Response to Labor Protection Actions.
  • Preparation and review of labor and non-labor contracts.
  • Response to Labor Rights of Petition.
  • Preparation of Confidentiality Agreements.
  • Performing Due Diligence in the Labor Area.
  • Attention to proceedings and requirements of the Ministry of Labor.
  • Labor audits.
  • Structuring of the different types of contracts and other contracts.
  • Preparation and updating of internal work regulations.
  • Preparation and review of labor settlements.
  • Attention to administrative proceedings and conciliations before labor inspectors.
  • Processing of suspension of employment contracts.
  • Termination of personnel in accordance with current labor legislation.
  • Apprenticeship quota procedures.
  • Attention to litigation in labor matters.


COMPASS GROUP SERVICES COLOMBIA S.A. Area Coordinator - Labor Lawyer, from January 20, 2010 to March 30, 2013.

  • Responsible for advising in the individual and collective area to the Human Resources Department, management and operational areas.
  • Support to operational areas in all legal and personnel management aspects.
  • Legal audits of operations to verify compliance with current regulations.
  • In charge of the disciplinary area of the entire company and responsible for the substantiation and review of the processes.
  • The company has a staff of more than 5,000 employees.
  • Application of disciplinary measures in accordance with the RIT.
  • Ensure and coordinate the hiring and dismissal of personnel in accordance with current labor legislation and the Internal Labor Regulations.
  • Attention to the requirements of administrative authorities, social security entities and inspection, control and surveillance entities.
  • Review and approval of requests for severance pay advances in accordance with legal regulations.
  • Request and processing of work shifts and overtime before the Ministry of Social Protection.
  • Attention to administrative proceedings and conciliations before the Ministry of Social Protection.
  • Advice and accompaniment to administrative proceedings, which take place in the Ministry of Social Protection.
  • Management of union organization and collective relations.
  • Answer tutela actions, rights of petition and injunctions.
  • Processing of work visas for foreign personnel.
  • Review and elaboration of employment contracts, as well as special elaboration of additional clauses for particular situations.
  • Preventive counseling aimed at preventing possible conflicts arising from labor relations.
  • Review and control of legal proceedings against the company, as well as suggesting and coordinating with external lawyers the defense in legal proceedings against the company.
  • Responsible for defining the company's defense strategy (litigation).
  • Advice on upcoming employment contracts to be signed by the company.
  • Advice on contracts to be modified or terminated.
  • Advice in the field of Integral Social Security.
  • Processing of suspension of employment contracts.


  • Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores, Lawyer with emphasis in Political Science and International Relations, June 2010.


  • Appointed by the Labor Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice as arbitrator for the 2016-2017 term.





Labor Law

Arbitration, Amicable Settlement and Litigation


Fusiones y adquisiciones

Private Law

Public Law

Structuring, financing and execution of infrastructure projects.


Structuring, financing and execution of infrastructure projects.

Asesores legales para la concesión de la Avenida Longitudinal en asuntos corporativos cotidianos y en asuntos de ejecución contractual con la Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura (ANI). Esta carretera, que ha sido planificada para atravesar la ciudad de Bogotá de norte a sur a lo largo de todo su borde occidental en el futuro, aunque actualmente está construida pero no operativa en el municipio de Soacha.

Estructuración, financiación y ejecución de proyectos de Infraestructura, Derecho Público

Asesores legales para Pacifico 3 en todos sus asuntos cotidianos, así como en la ejecución del contrato de concesión. El proyecto de la Concesión Conexión Pacífico 3 corresponde a la primera ola de proyectos de infraestructura 4G otorgados bajo el esquema de Asociación Público-Privada (APP) por la Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura (ANI).

Estructuración, financiación y ejecución de proyectos de Infraestructura, Derecho Público

Asesores legales para Concesión Ruta al Mar en todos sus asuntos cotidianos, así como en la ejecución del contrato de concesión. Este es el concesionario responsable de estudios y diseños definitivos, financiamiento, gestión ambiental, gestión de tierras y sociales, construcción, mejora, rehabilitación, operación, mantenimiento y reversión de la Concesión Ruta al Mar.

Estructuración, financiación y ejecución de proyectos de Infraestructura, Derecho Público

Asesores legales de Devisab, una empresa dedicada a actividades de construcción civil, mantenimiento de carreteras y la operación de la autopista Chía - Mosquera - Girardot, incluyendo la rama hacia Soacha y carreteras regionales.